понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.

Orr, Sheila (Victoria-Hillside)

ORR, SHEILA (Victoria-Hillside)

B. 1945 in the United Kingdom. Ed. In U.K., Singapore and Cypress. Five children. Political Career: Provincial: First elected to the B.C. Leg. g.e. 2001. Mem: Treasury Bd. Deputy Chair of the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives. Municipal: Councillor, Municipality of Saanich for five yrs. Former Regional Dir., Capital Regional Dist. Bd. Party: B.C. Lib. Address: Leg. Office: Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., V8V 1X4, (250)387-6598, Fax: (250)387-9087 Riding Office: 815 Bay St., Victoria, B.C., V8T 1R3, (250)952-4262, Fax: (250)952-4488; Email: s.orr@leg.bc.ca.


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